Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Why the three crows?

Crows and their larger cousins, ravens, show up in my Work-in-Progress (hereinafter known as my WiP) THE RAVENWOOD PORTAL. A novel of the paranormal for young adults--and I mean young adults, not "old teens".

A mixture of mystery and myth, witchcraft and war, and yes Good versus Evil. Involving Sarah, a Texan who's English father has just died leaving her his English estate, Ravenwood Hall, and a young man she thinks she dislikes (because she forms an impression before she knows who he is.)

They fall, like Alice in Wonderland, into a parallel universe--a universe that shows Sarah where her future lies, and it's not where she originally wanted or planned.

A mysterious shape-shifting white raven, three golden medallions, a witch (who turns out to be Sarah's ever-so-many greats, grandmother) a hidden hoard of stolen Church plate, all come together to guide Sarah into making the right decision.

Come back often to see how the story progresses.

And, who knows--The Green Man himself might appear...


Unknown said...

Aha! Thanks for telling me about this.

Vivra Patricia said...

Yeay, success!